My camera is a Sony Mavica FD-95. The lens system utilizes a 10x optical-aspherical (highest quality), and a 2x digital (digital has a little loss) zoom, for an over all zoom length of 20x. In normal camera terms this is something like a 36mm/500mm zoom lens. I can also add a 2x extender onto it, this multiplies the cameras zoom by an additional 2x, for a total of a 40x zoom. Equivalent to approximately a 70mm/1000mm zoom lens.A little about this shoot. These pictures were all fuzzy to some extent just because of the haze in the air. The fuzzier pictures were the result of the cameras auto focus attempting to focus ON the haze in the air. The slightly more clear pictures are the result of me switching to manual focus. Quality of pictures was limited due to the haze, but quality was not so important so long as the viewer is able to at least identify the buildings in the shoot. As long as the buildings can be identified, the details were not so important. The far pictures were taken at about a 30x zoom, and the near were taken at about 18x.
Pictures of people and stuff on the roof
The less-fuzzy pictures
The more-fuzzy pictures
This picture taken by holding my Canon S110 up to the eyepiece of Dylan's 25x telescope. That's downtown St Paul.